You know those times when you meet someone for the 1st time and you just “know”?

You know that for whatever reason you were meant to meet them. That you’re kindred souls. You feel an instant kinship with them and you can’t wait to get to know them better? Well, the first time I met Annika Martins in person here in Los Angeles (a short year and some change ago), it was like that. I knew I had found not only a fellow passionate seeker and lover of life, but a true friend.

When it came time for me to hand-select guest editors to write for the site, Annika’s name was among the first to be considered. Her voice is a refreshing change from those that clutter the personal growth + spirituality space. She offers a modern, realistic view on all things divine and advocates an individualized, multi-dimensional approach to finding what resonates with us on a soul level.

To say that this girl has been a godsend in my life – it ain’t no lie! I’m honored, grateful and beyond blessed to know and love Annika. .

Enjoy getting to know, Annika Martins!





My friend, tell us a bit about yourself. What do you do in the world? What do you love? 

I’m the host of The Sacred Podcast and I write at about spirituality + my love of cuss words. There are many paths and no matter which path we’re on, I think we should regularly get together for chocolate, hugs and hardcore dance moves. My business creates those kinds of spaces for spiritually curious people.

Why did you initially decide to start your blog?

For years, I was ashamed of how much I thought and read about spirituality. I was raised on a conservative Christian island in the Caribbean, so I wasn’t encouraged in exploring non-Christian ideals at all. But when I built the right tribe of people around me, I quickly realized that talking about modern and flexible approaches to faith is a total turn on, and although I’m deeply introverted, I really crave in-person connections, so I fused the two things and Sacred was born.

I so resonate with that. It can feel very isolating when you don’t have  a group of people around you that “speak the same language” in terms of spirituality. Now that you’ve found that, I’m curious what do you feel is important about the work you do in the world, as a writer, creator and proponent on individualized spirituality?

One of my favorite definitions of spirituality is that it is the practice of understanding who and what we are. So if you’re walking through life like a zombie, just following the white lines on the road, with no solid sense of why you’re on this planet, well . . . Geez. I don’t want to live like that. And I know a LOT of people who do not want to live like that. So if something I write, or an event I host, can help people answer those key questions for themselves, and find the community of friends + teachers who fit right in their heart, I’m honored to call that my ‘work’.




How do you stay motivated and inspired in your work and life?

I have a folder in my inbox where I save special emails that I want to look at again. Some are sweet notes from my friends and others are from total strangers who appreciate my writing. It lifts my heart to look at that love file and be reminded that I’m making a positive difference on the planet.

I think everyone needs a folder with love notes. Such a beautiful idea! I want to segue to another (beautiful) topic, which we’re kinda crazy about here at TGWK: The Senses. I’d love to know what your predominant or favorite sense is. And how do you use your senses to help you live a rich + fulfilling life?

I have to choose a favorite?? Uhh, Stephanie… 😉
Okay, let’s go with sight.

Much to my friends’ disappointment (but to my joy!), I live 40 minutes outside of Vancouver, British Columbia (that’s Canada, for my American friends). This means that from every window of my house I see 300 foot tall trees and I’m always noticing the unique patterns of light that cut through the branches and limbs.

When I drive to the grocery store, I see more trees (my definition of a joyous life = trees always in my sight line) and that view also has me looking down at the water and all the sailboats tied up in the port. Ocean lovefest. My eyes help connect me to Mother Nature and that feels sublimely sacred to me.

Yes! Nature is easy on the eyes, that’s for sure. So, why do you think our senses are so important?

Your senses are the most accessible (and least expensive) way to reorient, ground, center, and remember yourself.

The very first meditation I learned was from Eckhart Tolle. It was a very simple process of feeling each finger and then each toe. Not looking at them (your eyes are closed) but feeling them, sensing the existence of your fingers and toes. The depth of presence and awareness that happened for me when I did this, blew my mind open.



What are some of your go-to ways to indulge your senses?

Smells are also a big deal for me. Lavender oil, sandalwood incense and cooking + moisturizing my body with coconut oil are happening a lot right now.

What are some of your favorite things (that light up your senses)?

My hometown = the Cayman Islands. My puppies (they’re 5 years old, but I will always call them puppies). The Lust solid perfume from Lush.




On another note . . . we’re big birthday fans around here, what is your dream way to spend your birthday?

Private island. Me, my man and the puppies. Tiki torches.

And one final question: what do you know, for sure?

You are Love.




We are incredibly grateful to have your wisdom + insight here on The Girl Who Knows. Thank you Annika for shining your light so brightly everywhere you go and for giving us a peek into your (sacred) world!

Be sure to check out Annika’s Contributor page. Reach out to her via social media or on her website


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