In this end of year season, it’s all too common that we look around us at what’s not perfect in our lives and make resolutions to change.

We step on the scale after weekends full of holiday parties, and grimace at the number. Year after year, we look ahead to the new year with well-designed plans for self-improvement and year after year the frustrating cycle continues.

So, this year, how about a different approach?

Let’s throw resolutions out the window and relish what’s going well. Let’s forget the scale (dump it even!) and go for a walk instead. Without so much attention on what’s not right in our lives, we can take a few moments to cherish the blessings we do have.

You’ve probably heard the old adage, where our attention goes energy flows. Do you really want more energy focused on doubt and fear? I think you don’t. I think you’d much prefer to see the world with different eyes this season.

So I have a proposition: During the time you take to write out your big goals for the new year, why not take a few moments and journal your responses to these bold questions instead?

What did you notice about your answers? Did you uncover something unexpected? Or have you been sitting with similar feelings all year?

We write resolutions because we think the effects of change will bring us joy. We buy new stuff because we believe it will bring us joy. But do you have the joy you seek?

Paying attention to our inner desires will always lead to a more fulfilling experience, even if each moment along the way is not entirely joyful. It’s ok to be scared or to feel pain at times and still feel fulfilled.

On the other hand, perhaps you are finding yourself stymied as your encounter greater levels of success. If this is the case, revisit a recent TGWK Soul to Soul article, Upper Limit Problems. You may find that your ability to feel the joy you so desire is blocked by an unconscious joy thermometer set to low. Coming into awareness is the first step towards moving the needle to a new, higher, set point.

With the answers to these bold questions above, at the very least you can begin to write a more accurate roadmap for the new year that will lead to the true joy you seek.

Above all, I celebrate the power of your being and invite you to see yourself in 2015 the way I do–naturally creative, courageous, and whole. Cheers!


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