In this monthly series, we offer a guided theme to hopefully ignite and inspire your next 30 days. Think of this as some simple and accessible wisdom, and a gentle, actionable nudge, from one soul to another.
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“We gaze up at the same stars, the sky covers us all, the same universe encompasses us. What does it matter what practical system we adopt in our search for the truth? Not by one avenue only can we arrive at so tremendous a secret.”
~Quintus Aurelius Symmachus


As a little girl, I used to love laying down on the ground and staring up at the stars on a clear night. I was fascinated by them. By the enormity of what was “out there” and the smallness of us “down here”. Somehow at a young age I understood the depth and wisdom that the Universe, our planet and nature held. It was like a treasure box, and I would spend the rest of my life seeking the key.

All of us possess depth and wisdom. And as we get older each year, our life experiences add up and we glean lessons and insight from them (if we’re present and paying attention).

The problem comes when we discount our own wisdom or others wisdom. We live in a complicated, divisive world right now – of polarizing politics and rampant hateration. Often I see well-meaning people share some wisdom online and they get pushback or flat out ridicule (as if there’s only one way of doing or knowing things). It can feel like if we’re not following the socially acceptable path, then we must be wrong. But the reality is that there are many ways to live a life. There are many paths to wisdom. And who are we to dictate what another’s’ path should be?

This month you’re going to hear from all of our amazing guest editors on the subject of wisdom. Everything from cultivating wisdom in everyday life to lessons learned being a female entrepreneur to the wisdom in beauty, cross-cultural wisdom, wise food choices and more! It’s going to be a beautiful month, celebrating all that we as “girl’s who know” have to share with you. And I hope that you’ll share your own wisdom back with us. Let this be a chance for us to open the gates to generously sharing what we know with one another.

While it hasn’t always been the case, we live in a day and age where so much wisdom is plentiful (and free). This wisdom has allowed the Truth to come forward (about a lot of things), which is leading us towards making wiser choices and decisions in the years to come.

We are all wise. We all have stories and lessons to share with one another. And I believe, it’s our duty to share those as often as we can. So that the people who need to hear these insights can benefit from them. That’s why The Girl Who Knows exists.

I hope you’ll join us in sharing your own wisdom this month. Commit to writing a new blog post each week. Or sharing lessons learned on Instagram every day. Or mentoring a child and imparting your knowledge to them. I’d love to know how you decide to embrace your own wisdom this month, so if you publicly decide to join us, use the hashtag #WhatIKnow so that we can all benefit from the amazing nuggets of wisdom that you share.

Let’s not hide our experiences and what we know. Instead, let’s all help to unlock that treasure box of wisdom – together. When we are all “in the know”, we all benefit. The world benefits.


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