Comments on: Soul To Soul // Healthy Perfection Your destination to savor a lifestyle with soul. Tue, 05 May 2015 01:04:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stephanie Watanabe Tue, 05 May 2015 01:04:17 +0000 I LOVE that Sharyn! I think to a certain extent we’re all perfectionists of one sort or another. The trick as you say is to take a more ‘perfectly imperfect’ approach to things. It has definitely helped me ease up on negative self-talk. I love that you’re using wabi sabi and using your intuition to guide you – very inspiring. Thank you so much for this note! xo

By: Sharyn Tue, 05 May 2015 00:15:39 +0000 Healthy perfection all the way. Great post Stephanie! I never thought I had perfectionist tendencies until I attended a gathering last year where the topic of conversation was ‘let go of being perfect’! As we talked and wrote in our journals, I realised how I’d been beating myself up on the inside for years and that most of that was because I was not living up to some standard of perfection that I had unconsciously created for myself. We honed in on what our gifts and talents were and discussed if we lived in a community together, what would our contribution be. It highlighted so many positive and beautiful unique traits and abilities in each person creating unity because we all have something special to offer and it needn’t be perfect. Now everyday I strive to be perfectly imperfect (just like the wabi sabi aesthetic I called upon when crafting my jewellery collection). Being perfectly imperfect simply means being myself, feeling into my intuition about what is right for me, and not allowing the opinions of others to change who I am when I go about my creative process and life in general. It’s about embracing and raising up all that is unique about me xo
