The Girl Who Knows » CONVERSATIONS Fri, 19 Jul 2013 13:00:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 GET TO KNOW :: Elsa Isaac {NYC fashion stylist} Thu, 31 Jan 2013 11:00:49 +0000 Stephanie Watanabe

photos courtesy of Elsa Isaac

photos courtesy of Elsa Isaac

I’m a bit of a fashion addict.

Ok, maybe more than “a bit”.

I pour over fashion magazines the way a musician lusts after a shiny new Gibson.
I was mesmerized by fashion designers at a very early age.
The craftsmanship. The creativity. The sheer beauty of it all.
The ability to transform yourself. With a single look.
Fashion, not always, but often, takes my breath away.

Though I adore fashion, I’m not the best at putting together my own looks.
That’s why it’s nice to have a hot NYC fashion stylist on speed-dial. *wink*

My dear friend, collaborator and soul-sister, Elsa Isaac, is visiting L.A. for the next week.
I’m giddy to have her out West for some quality work-time and beach-time {of course}!
But I didn’t want to keep her all to myself, so I thought I’d put together a bonus GET TO KNOW post this week.

If after reading this Q+A, you’re totally smitten with her {as I know you will be}, you should know that she’s got a few spots left for some 1-on-1 styling sessions with her in Los Angeles next week. {more details below}

I digress.
On to the Q+A.


Ok, I realize I know you pretty well, but give my readers a little background about yourself.

Well, my love affair with clothes & fashion began at an early age . . . I’m sure playing dress up with Barbies played a small part. :)
However it came to be, I knew early on that my love for fashion wasn’t just something to play with, it was a full-time passion I would spend the rest of my life honing!
After studying fashion marketing at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, I quickly jumped into the styling world and began dressing musicians for music videos.
When I moved to New York, I began working on magazine & commercial shoots as well.
I’ve been fortunate enough to work with companies like Essence, Redbook, Good Housekeeping Magazine and celebrities like Bill Cosby, Brooke Shields & Lenny Kravitz! I LOVE MY JOB!

Tell me a bit more about how you came to the world of styling. Why did you want to pursue being a stylist after studying fashion marketing?

Believe it or not I actually never wanted to be a stylist! In fact I had no idea that this type of career even existed.
My dream had always been to be a fashion designer {still is}. It wasn’t until I was half way through college and a friend in the music industry forced me to style a video for one of his artists, before I really knew what a stylist was.
But after I styled that music video, I fell completely in love and knew I wanted to pursue the styling path.

You clearly have an entrepreneurial spirit and are your own business woman. I share that same sense of adventure with what I do. I’m curious, do you feel like you’ve always wanted to “do your own thing”? And what do you find are the most challenging {and gratifying} things about working for yourself?

I don’t think I realized that all of my quirks growing up would eventually mean that I was destined for an entrepreneurial life.
But I when I look back at myself now, it all makes sense!
I used to do things like plan summer neighborhood events and hold best dressed contests at school.
I was always creating and I think that came from not finding things or situations in life that fit perfectly with who I was. So it seemed second nature to me to just create the things I couldn’t find. That’s the essence of an entrepreneur too me.

The most challenging thing about working for yourself is having to wear so many hats when you really would rather live wearing just the one. But the most gratifying part about about running my own business is having the ability to transform & evolve my business in a way that best compliments who I am and how I choose to live my life.


What inspires + motivates you to keep doing what you do?

New York City, the ocean, the fact that a fellow human being invented the airplane, love, Michael Jackson . . .
So many things inspire + motivate me on a daily basis, but I think what motivates me most, is knowing that my parents escaped a war torn country, to provide their children with the kind of life so many of the family and friends we left behind couldn’t have.
It’s a sobering thought that ALWAYS reminds me of how lucky I really am.

Lately I’ve become fascinated by the idea of balancing creating “art” and doing business. Personally, I find it hard to strike a balance between the two in my own life. Do you struggle with this? If so, how do you deal with it?

Balancing art creation with business, has hands down been my hardest struggle!
I recently had a conversation with a business man who shed new light on this area for me. He told me that doing what you’re good at is the easy part in life, but felt that mastering what you struggle with is the true meaning of success.
I realized at that point, that in order for me to really share my creative gift with the world, I will need to master the art of business no matter what it takes.

You’ve styled some pretty well-known folks {Lenny Kravitz, Marie Forleo, Bill Cosby, among many others}. What has been the most fun part of your job? Do you have a particular memory of a time that sticks out as being especially amazing?

The memory that stands out most in my career is when I got the opportunity to style the cast of The Cosby Show for Essence magazine! There was a moment as I was meeting each of them for the first time where I felt like I was having an out of body experience.
I just couldn’t believe that the people who were such a big part of my childhood were standing in front of me!
I was overflowing with gratitude on that day.

Tell me why style is so important? And maybe a few tips for how every single woman out there, can have “style”.

Style is important because it’s an extension of who we are. We put clothes on everyday of our lives, so what we wear affects us in a good way or a bad way.

When you don’t put thought into how you’re going to adorn your body and what you want to declare about yourself to the world, then you ignore an important part of you that seeks expression.

The first way you can start to bring style into your life is by knowing your body’s size and shape. I created a fun body shape calculator on my blog, that allows to you enter your measurements and discover your shape instantly.
Knowing your body shape helps you eliminate the various styles and cuts of clothing that are not suited for you, and focus more on the ones that are. The best place to start implementing this new rule is in your closet!

Another great way to develop personal style is by starting a vision board {or Pinterest board} by collecting all the clothing styles that inspire you most. Slowly try some of the style ideas from your board and eliminate what doesn’t work. Eventually you’ll end up with a style that really represents you fully.
And remember as we change an evolve so will our style, so it’s important to create vision boards frequently.


I know you and I know that what you’ve created for yourself hasn’t come easy. We all have struggles, some big – some small. Do you have any thoughts or words of wisdom on how to keep on going when the going gets tough?

When it comes down to it, there’s really nothing else I’d rather be doing in my life than playing with clothes.
I really can’t imagine myself doing anything else. So when I have my down moments, I’m realizing that it usually means I have to step away from my craft and just live life.
Coming back to it with a renewed + refreshed energy changes everything! I’ve learned this the hard way :)

I’m curious, what does beauty mean to you? What do you find ‘beautiful’?

Beauty to me is happiness expressed outwardly.
Which is why, in my opinion, you can’t fake true beauty.

Beauty only exists if it comes through you, not to you.

I think that’s why I love the arts so much.
It allows us to not only see, but connect with the all the other ways people are expressing their own passions.
Things I find beautiful: a well decorated home, a woman wearing the perfect dress and heels, perfectly designed packaging and a man in well fitted suit!

I know you love to travel too – tell me, what are a few of your favorite spots? Any places you’re dying to visit?

My favorite places to travel to so far have been Eritrea {the country I’m from}, Costa Rica + Portugal.
I’m absolutely dying to get to Thailand, Dubai + Australia!

Is there a specific quote or a philosophy, which guides your life?

Yes. The serenity prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.

And finally, WHY do you do what you do?

For 2 reasons:
Because it fills me up with joy
Because I wouldn’t want to do anything else!


Super sweet, down-to-earth and she’s created a truly inspiring life and business that she loves.
What’s not to love about this girl?

Like I mentioned at the top of this post, you can snag Elsa for an in-person styling session before she heads back East.
$400 for 3-hours of wardrobe magic with one of NYC’s hottest stylists?
Ummm, yes please.
She’s only got opening from February 4th to February 7th, so get on it!
You can get in touch with Elsa via her website here.

And . . . just in case you can’t work with her in LA (or NYC), I’ve got a special treat for ONE lucky TGWK reader.
Elsa is generously gifting a FREE, 90-minute virtual “Closet Cleanse”.

This is major people.
I’ve worked with Elsa and she is the REAL deal.
In 90-minutes she will turn your world {+ closet} inside out.

All you have to do to be entered to win is CLICK HERE to tweet out a message to us!

That’s it! And if you show us lots of lovin’ you’ll score bonus points, so tweet away.
I’ll announce the winner on Monday February 4th on Twitter + Facebook!

Hope you enjoyed getting to know Elsa + I’ll see you next time!


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GET TO KNOW :: Medlock Ames Wed, 23 Jan 2013 13:00:30 +0000 Stephanie Watanabe

Obsession. With wine.


I used to work in the events + wedding business.
One of the many experimentations along my career path.
I was lucky enough to begin my work in the event-world at one of the best catering companies in the San Francisco Bay Area.

And it was there, amongst fellow foodies, that I was introduced to wine.
Not just any wine.
Flowers Pinot Noir.
Paul Hobbs Cabernet Sauvignon.
Billecart Salmon Brut Rose (champagne).
The good stuff.

A few years after my stint producing events, my boyfriend and I were bouncing around our favorite wine-lovers spots near Healdsburg California. We had been invited to a very cool winery.
Solar powered.
Artisan quality wines.

Sounds amazing right?

But I have to admit, I was quite skeptical about the quality of the wines.
So many of the so-called “organic” wines I’ve tried are way less than pleasing to my palette {in other words, they really sucked}.
Fingers crossed and interest piqued, I stepped into the beautiful world of Medlock Ames.

Fast forward to today.
I’ve been a loyal wine club member for 4+ years.
Have a deep respect for the entire team.
Attend their events.
Spend time perusing their organic gardens.
Tasting their delicious olive oils, jams and spreads.
And lounging in their new tasting room.
I’m a huge fan + supporter of everything that Medlock Ames creates.

They are the epitome of artisnal, hand-crafted beauty.
They embody everything that I lovingly seek out and hope to feature here on The Girl Who Knows.

So needless to say, the following video, photos and Q+A with Founder and Winemaker Ames Morrison, is beyond thrilling to share with you!
I hope you enjoy it.
Psst :: Read thru to the end. It’s worth it. I’ve got a SUPER thrilling surprise for you!


Tell me a little bit about how Medlock Ames came to be.

My best friend & I were living in New York and started drinking & learning about wine.
We both grew up on farms and developed an obsessive fascination with the influence that dirt and weather and farming practice had on the flavor in the glass.
That obsession, fuelled by a little too much wine one night gave us the hubris to think that we could make our own wine. Within a few months we moved to California and I started studying winemaking at UC Davis & looking all over for the perfect site to establish our own vineyard. After looking at over 100 properties, we stumbled upon Bell Mountain Ranch, and knew in an instant that this is where we would plant our vines.


Your wines are among the best I’ve ever tasted. Why wine? What do you love about wine in general? And your wines in particular?

Wow! That is wonderful to hear.
I love farming. I love having my hands in the dirt and watching how a plant grows and figuring out how to coax the best out of that vine.
The wine captures and sums up in one sip everything that mother nature has been doing to this land for hundreds of thousands of years and the many decisions I make every day on how to farm the land and how to make the wine. I don’t think there is any other endeavor in the world that can encapsulate something so vast in a single instant.
What I love about my wines in particular is that they so truthfully represent this land (and the fact that they taste good to me!)

Sustainability + environmental accountability are super important to you. How do you incorporate this into your business practices + in your winemaking?

One of the most basic things we have done is to have our farm certified as organic.
This is a 3-year process that we went through several years ago and have to renew annually.
Early on, it forced us to think through every aspect of how we farm and how we operate our business, not just to be in compliance, but really as a business philosophy.

Everything from your packaging to the design of your tasting room is simple + beautifully designed. I’m really drawn to beauty + aesthetics, so I’m curious, what does beauty mean to you? How does beauty inform your winemaking {if at all}?

I have two very different concepts of beauty.
For anything that is man-made, I love simplicity and functionality.
But in the natural world, I am fascinated by complexity end elegance. Our building & packaging design try to do a lot and say a lot with very little. It’s all about simplicity for me.
With our wines, we try to layer many layers of nuance and complexity into every sip, to represent the complex biological systems that create that wine.



There’s a lot of creativity involved in winemaking. How do you cultivate creativity in your life? What does your creative process look like?

Most of my time is spent focusing intently on whatever I am working on at the moment. I don’t have the luxury or the mental capacity to think creatively at the same time.
Then at some other time when I am hiking on a remote part of the ranch, a flood of ideas will wash over me, and I have to struggle to keep up with writing down my thoughts.
I only act on a small percentage of those ideas, but it is completely refreshing to have that experience, and often those ideas are my most creative. They might impact my winemaking or farming, but just as often they are illuminating insights into how I look at the world.
Walking is a wonderfully creative endeavor for me.

What inspires + motivates you?

Every vintage is a new opportunity.
I am motivated to make each one better than the last.
I’m also motivated by a strong desire to bring pleasure to the people that drink our wine, and to cultivate a curiosity in them – the same curiosity that led me to choose this endeavor.



Speaking of curiosity, I’m curious . . . what are the most challenging/gratifying things to you about being a business owner?

The land that we cultivate has a huge responsibility. It has to provide for 20 families.
That is a huge challenge, but it is also such a beautiful relationship. We care for the land and the land cares for us.

Is there a quote or a philosophy, which guides your winemaking?

The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all, our most pleasing responsibility.
~Wendell Berry

WHY do you do what you do?

I love it. It never feels like work. I wake up every morning eager to get started. I can’t imagine doing anything else.



And finally, because I admire your taste so much, I’d love to know, what are your Top 3 favorite spots in the Bay Area {for food + wine of course}?

Lois the Pie Queen in Oakland ~ no wine, but wonderful soul food & pies!

Diavola in Geyserville ~ beautifully crafted pizzas & house made salumi as well as an impressive selection of Italian wines

Bistro Ralph in Healdsburg ~ if I ever have the opportunity to request my last meal it would be Ralph’s Chicken Paillard {be sure to ask for the lunch version even if you’re eating dinner…and extra sautéed lemons}!

Video :: Filmed by Stephanie Watanabe. Editing + Creative Direction by Fistfull of Cake Films

A big thanks to Ames and the entire team at Medlock Ames for creating such a beautiful place and such exquisite wines.

And so, as promised I’ve got a super thrilling giveaway for one lucky reader.
Here’s the scoop . . .
One fortunate soul will receive a FREE 3-month membership to the Medlock Ames Wine Club.
You’re also invited for an EXCLUSIVE Tour and Tasting on the winery grounds as well.

I mean, I know this is my own site, but this is so good that I want to win it!! ;-)

Here’s how to be eligible for the giveaway . . .

1. Connect with Medlock Ames on Facebook and/or Twitter {bonus points for both}

2. Connect with The Girl Who Knows on Facebook and/or Twitter {bonus points for both}

3. Tweet out this message or post it on Facebook {make sure to tag both Medlock + TGWK in your post!}
And yes, you get bonus points for doing both!

I’ll announce the winner on Facebook + Twitter next Tuesday January 29th. So post away!




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GET TO KNOW :: Marthe Hagen of The Freedom Experiment Wed, 12 Dec 2012 14:00:08 +0000 Stephanie Watanabe

Freedom is a state of mind.

photos courtesy of Marthe Hagen

photos courtesy of Marthe Hagen

Our country (the U.S.) is built upon this ideology.
Personally, it’s something we all long for.
Freedom to be ourselves.
Freedom to say what we believe.
Freedom to marry whom we choose.
Freedom to live a life on our own terms.

My dear friend and fellow blogger + writer + freedom seeker, Marthe Hagen, exemplifies the meaning of freedom. Her blog The Freedom Experiment has been a tremendous source of inspiration and encouragement in my life.
Her words are poignant. Vulnerable. Raw.
She shares from the depths of her soul.

I recently got to sit down and chat with Marthe about all things freedom, inspiration and creativity.
And I got a lucky sneak peek at her new book, released last week (hint: it’s crazy good)!
Read on to learn more about Marthe, her mission and her powerful story.
Plus we’ve got a super sweet surprise for three lucky readers. Yep, THREE!

Tell me a bit about YOU.

I was born in 1986, in a town called Gjøvik in Norway.
I grew up on a tiny strawberry farm on the countryside with my two siblings and my 4 cousins + grandparents just nearby.
During my school years I was very lonely and although I did very well in class – those years were very painful for me. After high school, I started studying international relations and development studies, but decided to go to law school instead.
I took a year off law to study fine art photography in London in 2010 – my first Freedom Experiment. After that, I have been blogging, writing, photographing, creating and coaching.
I live in Oslo, but spend about 4-5 months a year traveling.

What is the Freedom Experiment and how did that come to be?

I did my first Freedom Experiment when I decided to move to London to study photography. It had always been my dream to live abroad and to study something creative. Although I was bored in law school and in Oslo, I wasn’t ready to pack up everything and make a permanent shift in my life. And still, I wanted to make my dreams come true!

Then I got the idea of making it into an achievable experiment.
For one year, I would make my two dreams come true – while still keeping the security and safety of my current lifestyle in Oslo. The first Freedom Experiment was born!

A Freedom Experiment is a way to make your dreams come true – faster and easier. It’s creating a smaller scale version of your dream and then going for it. If you dream of writing a book – write a short e-book. If you dream of living location-independently – do it for 2-3 months first. If you dream of living in New York city – stay there for 6 weeks.
If you dream of being a commercial airplane pilot – start by joining your local club and learn to fly a glider.

A Freedom Experiment is about taking out the essence of your dream and experimenting with it – making it achievable and doable within a more reasonable time frame.


I’ve always felt the need for freedom in my life – so working for myself came as the only option (though not always an easy one). What do you find are the most challenging things about being a writer + blogger + being online (and working for yourself)?
And what is the most gratifying?

I definitely feel the same way about being self-employed. At this time in my life it really is the only way to go for me.
The most challenging part of being free is to find a balance between true freedom and routine, schedules and plans.
I don’t really have any set working hours or plan – I work when I feel like it (which is often a lot!).
However, I do realize there’s a certain freedom in routines too. This is a balance I am working on a lot right now.

The most gratifying thing about being a writer, blogger and life coach is that I can work from anywhere!
At the time of writing, I am in Los Angeles – working from a local coffee shop.
Two days ago, I wrote a blog post from thirty eight thousand feet while on a trans-atlantic flight.
Three weeks from now, I’ll be working and writing on a beach in Thailand.
As a writer – all I really need is a pen, paper + my computer and wifi. A blank page is the most gratifying thing I know.

What inspires + motivates you to keep creating?

People inspire me.
I find endless inspiration in reading – poetry, novels, magazines, blogs and everything in between – but most of all I find inspiration and motivation in the people around me.

I very strongly feel that I am on this earth to help people heal, and I find it so powerful to realize that I can do that with my writing. I receive a lot of e-mails and comments from people who are suffering in various ways and I am so blessed and honored that they trust me to help them to the best of my ability. I care so much about my readers.


As both a creative and a practical person (I’m a sure mix of left + right brain) ~ personally I find it hard to strike a balance between running a “business” and creating “art”. Do you struggle with this? How do you manage it?

Yes. And No.
What I struggle with the most is to balance the work that pays the bills with the work I want to be doing.

As of right now, I am spending more time on the legal consulting work that I do – than I ideally wish. However, I am managing this by working very strategically with creating products for my writing and coaching work that will allow me to downsize the legal work in the future.

On the other hand, I don’t struggle with the business/art question with the work I do online. I see these things as two sides of the same coin. I think the reason why this works so well for me is that I don’t ever create or write any art with the intention of selling it.

I create 100% from the heart with the intention of helping people heal.

Putting a price on that and selling some of the work that I do is a natural extension of creating – I know that the business part of things make the flow of energy dynamic and rich. I believe in an equal flow of support – I support my readers and they support me.


Yes! I love your take on art + commerce. It’s all about flow. Speaking of which, I got the chance to preview your new book Feeling Good When Life is Hard (and it’s deeply personal + incredibly powerful + flows so well) – what was the process like of writing your very 1st book?

Thank you!
The process of writing was very dynamic, as I wrote and rewrote and edited along with living my way through a very challenging time personally. Writing the first draft was relatively easy – I know it sounds a bit cheeky, but it did really just flow.

However, shortly after I wrote the first draft – my life fell apart. My boyfriend of 8 years left me, I lost a lot of friends (who I realize now were more his friends than mine), I had to sell my apartment and start completely over.
In retrospect, this was the best thing that could have happened to my book at the time. I got a very real chance to test my own advice. Some of it fell through and some of it worked wonders!

I spent almost 3 months all in all – mostly writing from coffee shops in New York and Oslo. I also had the chance to work with an incredibly talented graphic designer (Kristin Butler) and I am very, very happy with the result.

I’m sure you’ve faced your share of struggle in your life (as have I and a lot of my readers) ~ I wonder, what advice you have for them, about not only feeling good when life is hard, but creating a life you are madly, crazy in love with.

I think the most important concept I have learned over the years is acceptance.
I used to believe that I was powerless when it came to accepting difficult situations – that I either could or couldn’t accept – and that I had no choice. It felt like I either accepted something, or I didn’t. Most of all I didn’t, and I spent a lot of time and energy on fighting something that had already happened.

I believe that this is a very common reason why people suffer. Wishing things are different is incredibly painful and can be the source of a lot of hopelessness and sadness.

Over the years, however, I have learned that acceptance is a choice. It’s not easy, but at some point you have to make a conscious decision to let go, stop fighting and accept what is going on. When you can do that, the shift is huge! Suddenly you have a clean slate and a blank page. After that, anything is possible!


I love that – and totally agree. Acceptance of the present moment is key! Not to change the subject, but your book (and website) are gorgeous. I love the simplicity, white space and beautiful fonts. Personally, I’m really drawn to beauty + aesthetics (as I know you are too), so I’m curious, what does beauty mean to you?

Beauty is very important to me. As a highly sensitive person, I am very attentive to detail and nuances.
I get very easily stressed if my surroundings are out of sync!
I find calmness and ease in white, spacious and naturally lit environments and I spend a lot of time and effort in making my life as visually stimulating and pleasing as possible.
I love anything that has to do with beauty – fashion, decorating, art, graphic design, music and even beautiful words!

I know you love to travel too – tell me, what are a few of your favorite spots?

Oh my, where do I begin?
I am very attracted to all things Asian and two of my favorite countries are Malaysia and Japan. In Malaysia, more specifically the Perhentian Islands I have found peace in a way I didn’t even think possible.
Tokyo is a beautiful city – the Japanese really know their way around good design. In addition, the mix of traditions and innovation is just sublime.

Another favorite of mine is New York City. I dream of living there permanently. Most of all, I love the sense of possibility I get when I am there – I truly feel like everything is possible.

Last, but not least – a list of favorite spots would not be complete without a mention of my three most amazing travel experiences ever. Watching the sunrise over Angkor Wat in Cambodia, swimming with wild dolphins in Hawaii and flying in a helicopter over Manhattan are the three highlights of my life.

Is there a specific quote or a philosophy, which guides your life?

Yes, there is! I have two quotes and philosophies that guide me in almost anything I do.
“Everything is possible” is a life motto I created for myself with the help of a life coach a couple of years ago.
It really sums up the essence of how I want to live my life – optimistic, hopeful and magical.

The other quote I live my life by is “This too shall pass”. Originating from the Persian Sufi poets, this little saying has guided me through some of the hardest times of my life.
For me, it signifies a deep trust in life – nothing is permanent, everything is changing and it will all turn out the way it is meant to be. In addition, I find that “this too shall pass” also helps me appreciate good times – to live in the moment and enjoy life.

WHY do you do what you do?

I have a very strong sense of why I am living this life – to help people heal.

When I look at it that way, everything I have ever experienced has a deeper meaning. For example, I believe that my lonely years happened because I was meant to spend time alone reading (which is how I spent most of my time from the age of 8 – 16) and this has made me the writer I am today.
I also believe that I suffer from a mental illness because it helps me relate to people and experience life in a way that will make me a better healer. Everything I have ever experienced has led me to this point in life where I can clearly see that my work in the world is truly helping people.

I do what I do to make the world a better place.

Mmm, I love that Marthe. And you truly are making a difference in the lives of SO many (including me)! Any final thoughts + musings?

Thank you so much for having me! I am still awestruck by the world we live in – how I can be sitting here in Los Angeles and communicate and connect with like-minded people from all over the earth.
It truly is a wonderful world.


And I couldn’t feel luckier to have the lovely Marthe Hagen in MY world.
She is the personification of quiet beauty. Grace. Thoughtful transformation. A phoenix rising from the ashes.

In support of the launch of her 1st book (yay!), Marthe has generously gifted me with THREE copies of the book to give away to you lovely readers. Lucky ducks!


To win your very own digital copy of How to Feel Good When Life is Hard, here’s what you need to do ::

1. Sign-up for the Freedom Experiment mailing list

2. Sign-up for The Girl Who Knows mailing list below, if you haven’t already (+ you’ll get my FREE guide to finding your life purpose, for now)

3. CLICK HERE to tweet this message (as many times as you want).

I’ll be picking + announcing the lucky winning trio here on the blog on Monday December 17th.
Fingers. Crossed. For you.

Thanks for stopping by ~ and don’t forget to leave a comment below to show Marthe some love.
Happy 12.12.12!


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GET TO KNOW :: Supple Integrative Skincare Tue, 13 Nov 2012 06:30:37 +0000 Stephanie Watanabe

Modern Apothecary + Expert Estheticians. With Heart.

If you’ve been around this blog long enough, you might have a sneaking suspicion that I have quite a love of pampering + beauty + everyday luxury.
There’s nothing like a massage, facial or body treatment to clear my head, ground me and leave me feeling renewed and deeply relaxed. Am I right?

While I was living in Oakland, California, I was always on the look out for great spas and wellness centers. Sadly they were few and far between. The only one worth mentioning, is a sweet spot I stumbled upon 5 years ago in Berkeley ~ Supple Integrative Skincare.
You step inside the fabulously curated apothecary, and are instantly in scent(sory)-heaven.
Not only is this quaint boutique well-stocked and filled to the brim with impeccable product lines (REN, InFiore, Arcona, Kahina, among others), but the customer service and treatments are impeccable.

I’ll never forget meeting Supple’s Holly Pope for the first time.
She oozes cool-ness. The kind of woman you just HAVE to be friends with.
Holly’s got a certain something. A grounded, multi-cultural perspective on life and business.
A renaissance woman by all accounts.

I immediately felt I had met a kindred soul.
And so of course, couldn’t wait to ask her a few questions about her life, beauty rituals and what she knows for sure.
I hope you enjoy getting to know Holly + Supple Integrative Skincare!

Holly, tell me a bit about you + how you came to be involved at Supple? What is your role there?

I’m an Esthetician & the Director of Supple Integrative Skincare. Supple was founded by Alison Supple Evans eight years ago and then changed ownership last year, when I was brought on board to helm the ship. Alison and I met in 2006 and it was love at first sight (and smell) when I walked into Supple. I was very familiar with most of the lines we carry and Al and I spent hours that day chatting about the Apothecary life. About a month later Alison called me and asked what I was doing and if I run her shop for 5 months while she & her husband went to Europe. The obvious answer was yes! And thus began my life at Supple.

Personally, my background is pretty eclectic. I have a BS in Biology/Chemistry, an MFA in Art History, I’m a licensed Esthetician and I have a MA in French Literature. I’m also an Ayurvedic Practitioner and part of the Federation of Circus Arts in France.
I was raised in France and came to California to study and studied almost everything that I had an interest in. Between schoolings, I traveled from South Africa to the South Pacific, Southeast Asia, South America. I learned how to make potions, lotions and tinctures using roots, herbs, plants and nuts from native women around the globe.

What’s the most challenging and the most gratifying thing about running a business?

“Change with change” is always a challenge. Trends and people come and go. I have to say that rolling with those changes can be challenging at times. But change can also be gratifying and liberating once you let go of how things used to be.

You source + carry some pretty amazing product ~ what’s the philosophy on choosing products for Supple?

Effective! I tend towards natural products but I want to see and feel a difference in my skin and the skin of our clients. I also like the stories and integrity behind the brands.

You have gorgeous skin. What’s your personal skincare routine?

It changes seasonally, currently I am doing the following;
AM routine ~ cleanse (with a cleansing pad), apply a daytime serum then day cream and some sort of SPF.
PM routine ~ cleanse, apply one of the many serums, depending on the night, currently I have about 3 serums in rotation. I love serums. I’ll add a lotion or cream if I am feeling dry or have been traveling.
Weekly ~ a cleansing mask and a hydrating mask.
During the day/throughout the day ~ hydrosol spritz, blotting papers and lip conditioner.

What does beauty mean to you?

One word. Grace.

WHY do you do what you do?

Because it’s beautiful. I like people to feel and look beautiful, it’s such a pleasure when clients come out of the treatment room glowing and relaxed.

Your family background is so interesting, can you tell me about your heritage and how that has informed you and your work?

Being bi-cultural and multi ethnic, I love the beauty in all people. From my childhood in rural France, I love seasonal living ~ the fruits, vegetables, flowers and herbs that bloom in the different seasons welcoming the changes and “profiting” from the richness of what’s available during different times of the year.
Our skin also changes from season to season and I like to be able offer a solution to these changes.

You’re a well-traveled woman, what are your Top 3 favorite spots in the world?

Rural spots from South Africa to New Zealand

What keeps you inspired and motivated?


What’s something you KNOW for sure?

I am gracefully maturing.


And isn’t that what we all hope for ~ graceful maturity as we move through life?
A big thank you to Holly Pope for being a part of The Girl Who Knows community!
And if you find yourself in the neighborhood, I recommend booking a treatment or even just stopping by the apothecary for a little shopping + a chat with the lovely Holly – and do tell her I said hi!

As a special treat for my beautiful readers, Supple is kindly offering a FREE head massage or décolleté treatment with any facial booked between now and December 31, 2012.

Click here to learn more about Supple + book your appointment!

Here’s to beauty + relaxation. Every single day.


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GET TO KNOW :: The Soonest Tue, 23 Oct 2012 19:05:20 +0000 Stephanie Watanabe

Face-melting indie rock (since 2003).

Once upon a time I lived in the Bay Area.
And I was dating a rockstar.
You know. ‘Cause that’s how I like to roll. ;)

One day at my rockstar’s gig in Union Square, we stumbled upon some more rockstars.
Of the indie variety.
I hadn’t heard of them before, so I sat down to listen.
And to my own surprise and delight, these rockstars were good.
Like REAL good.

That was 2009.
Two name changes and (more than) a few shows later, they’re primed and ready to take over stages (and stations) around the country.

From left :: Mark Quitevis, Andrew Wales

Music has always been a part of my life.
I played the piano. The flute (yep). And guitar (sorta).
I tried my hand at singing. Let’s just say it’s better that I stick to solo’s alone in my car.

The soundtrack of my life includes everything from Michael Jackson to Cat Power. Outkast to Neko Case. Brian McKnight to Pink Floyd.
And pretty much everything in between!

And there’s no doubt that The Soonest has taken their rightful place in my life soundtrack.
I’m not gonna lie, their songs are often on repeat on my iPhone.
Hint :: they can also be heard on my welcome + bonus videos right here on the website!

I love everything about their rich, complex sound and lyrical depth. It’s indie rock. At its’ best.
And, they’re about the coolest, most down-to-earth guys you’ll ever meet.
They’ve got the whole package.

Putting together this Q+A and video for you – was an extra special treat.
I got to shoot some photos + video at one of their San Francisco shows and sit in on band practice in Oakland. Plus I sat down with frontman Young Lee to talk inspiration, X-Ray vision and liquid courage.

From left :: Mark Quitevis, Young Lee, Alex Stack

Who is The Soonest?

We’ve been a band for about two years but Andrew (drummer) and I have been playing in various forms of the band for a very long time. We started in 2003 in a college band and from there it morphed in a lot of ways until we decided to do some serious writing and bring people on board. We’ve also gone through many names such as Broadcaster, Lion Riding Horses, and now The Soonest.
The band is me on guitar/lead vocals, Andrew Wales (drums), Alex Stack (bass), Mark Quitevis (guitar) and Jonathan Posadas (guitar).
We’re from Atlanta, Boston, St. Louis, Los Angeles, and San Jose (respectively).

Let’s start big, WHY do you play music?

That’s definitely a big question. I feel like individually we all have different reasons for why we play. However, for all of us, music and playing music has always been an important part of our lives.
We’ve all had those moments where we hear a great song and we’re like “wow, that is an amazing song. I wish I could write something like that” and as a result, it’s become this endless pursuit to write songs that impacts people in that way.
I think for some of us, it’s really the only thing that we’re doing in our lives where the process and the challenges are just as exciting as reaching our goals.
Also, it’s just freakin’ fun to be able to create something, record it, perform it live, and have people respond so positively to it.

I’ve always wondered this . . . do you ever get nervous playing in front of an audience?

It’s the minutes leading up to the performance that are the most nerve-wracking. I think we all get the same kind of jitteriness as we’re warming up. Once we start playing, the nerves go away for the most part. We all enjoy playing live, so being on stage is a great place for us, but sometimes a little liquid courage helps as well!

Andrew Wales

What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken in the last few years?

The biggest risk is probably actually deciding to do something with the music and not just have it be a hobby.
Putting careers on hold and putting more energy into the music has been exciting but also scary at the same time.
A second big risk we’ve taken is trying to incorporate our own special fusion of jazz dance and breakdance into our live shows.
We’re almost there. Just a few more tweaks before it’s ready. We call it BreakJazz. :)

BreakJazz. I’d pay to see that for sure! Speaking of fusion, are there any collaborations (with other musicians or artists) that you’d like to happen?

We’ve been lucky to have worked already with several Bay Area musicians. Jonathan is from an awesome band called Case in Theory and we’ve also had the chance to work with Olivia Lee in the studio as well.
We dont have any specific collaborations in mind right now but we’d love to work with more musicians. It’s such a great way to learn and I feel like it pushes us to become better musicians.

Being a musician is like being an entrepreneur in many ways. What’s the most challenging and the most gratifying thing about it for you?

It’s definitely been challenging trying to stand out in a sea of thousands of bands. We’re constantly trying to push ourselves to do new things. we only wish we could work faster.
It’s always so gratifying when we create a song that we genuinely like and are then able to share it with people.
Ultimately, we write music because we love music and we want to share our music. When we’re able to do that and see how much people enjoy it, it’s awesome.

Jonathan Posadas

Alex Stack

I’m always interested in culture and how it shapes us. I know you’re Taiwanese-American, how do you think that has shaped who you are (and/or your music)?

It’s a pretty huge part of me although it’s not something that is on the forefront of my mind a lot.
Growing up and even now, my parents made a huge effort to ensure that I never lost connection with my heritage so it’s deeply ingrained in who I am. There are certain ethics and values that I hold onto that are very specific to growing up in a Taiwanese-American household. It has help me decide how I should act, what is important to me, and what kind of impact I want to have on those around me.
With the music I feel like being Taiwanese-American has shaped the subject matter more than the actual sound.
When I write, I tend to describe images or scenes and I think it’s in some of those descriptions where you can get a sense of my background. Or maybe not….I try not to be too direct or blatant in the lyrics. But it’s in there somewhere.

What does your creative process (of conceiving of and writing new songs) look like?

It’s never really the same process but I guess it always starts with some kind of chord progress and then it goes from there.
There’s some kind of inspiration that sparks the whole thing and then each of us take it in different directions.
The sounds come first and lyrics always come last. However, while we’re writing the song, I’ll have images and words that I’ll throw around, along with a whole bunch of gibberish.

What keeps you inspired and motivated?

I think the most important thing that keeps me motivated is wanting to be able to look back and see that I was a part of something that I’m proud of. In the case of The Soonest, I want to step back one day and know that we were relentless in making music we feel is great regardless if we’re successful or a disastrous disaster.

You’re “a man about SF”, what are your top 3 favorite spots in the Bay Area?

It’s so hard to choose just 3. I’m going to freely interpret this question and add in some categories.

3 favorite places to eat:
Sushi Time
Turtle Tower

3 favorite places to drink:
Beer Revolution (in Oakland)
21st Amendment

3 favorite places to shop:
Self Edge
Taylor Stitch

What’s something you’ve never told anyone before?

I have the ability to see through clothes. It’s a gift and a curse.

What’s one thing you absolutely KNOW?

That I am not a rhinoceros.

Young Lee

Yay! Hope you enjoyed getting to know Young Lee + The Soonest.

Big thanks to Young, Andrew, Alex, Mark and Jonathan for being a part of the blog + allowing me to stick my camera in their faces (on multiple occasions).
I have no doubt that these guys will blow up. Mark my words. It’s only a matter of time.

Here’s a little video I put together with the help of my trusted pals Ari Sigal & Brennen Brown of Fistful of Cake Films.

Along with a super-secret link to download the band’s most recent EP, “Lions At Your Door”.
For free. ‘Cause they rock.


P.S. I’ve got a bonus post coming for you this week about an exciting event in NYC that I was a part of last weekend. Keep your eyes peeled to the blog or Facebook page to see what I’ve been up to!


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GET TO KNOW :: Earthbody Tue, 09 Oct 2012 06:30:01 +0000 Stephanie Watanabe

Organic Day Spa + Sanctuary!

I’m a spa junkie.

There’s nothing quite like being pampered + massaged is there?
It’s one of the few indulgences in life that I couldn’t do without.
Pure soul food.

Back in 2005 I worked at one of San Francisco’s premiere day spa’s.
And it was there that I crossed paths with the lovely Denmo Ibrahim.
Denmo had a vision even then.
And a deep passion for healing. A true dedication to her art.
From this, Earthbody was born.
Part day spa. Part apothecary. Part sanctuary for the soul.

Denmo is a 1st generation Egyptian American who grew up in NYC with her mom and brother. It was her early travels to Cairo, where she was steeped in community, culture and spirituality, that she discovered the power of ritual. And of creating things by hand with integrity and love.

As a young person Denmo suffered a few physical injuries which required knee surgery at the age of 11 and foot surgery (on both feet) in her early twenties. She felt disconnected from her body at times, yet was still agile enough to receive a Masters degree in physical theatre.

Her background in performance set the stage for a lifetime of creativity. But it wasn’t until stumbling upon a Thai massage course in San Francisco that her own body awoke to a new way of being.

Her quest to fully understand the body mind connection led her to study with visionary thought leaders in the field at The School of Body Mind Centering, the World School of Holistic Healing and Mount Madonna.

I’m so excited to share Denmo’s wisdom and love with you.
Her spa is a deep reflection of her personal philosophy on love, healing, and holistic living.
I hope you enjoy getting to know her, as I have!


What are the origins of Earthbody? How did you get started?

Earthbody began as a one room private practice in 2006. I saw clients 3 times a week and had a client base of 4 people – two of whom were my friends)!
Within 6 months, I was able to open my first one room studio. Within another 6 months, I had waiting list.
I really didn’t expect this kind of demand.

In seven years of business we’ve grown from a single therapist private practice to a sustainable company with fifteen employees. We’ve served over 8,000 people.

Though it was one of the biggest challenges I faced, the core of Earthbody always remained true – to offer exceptional treatments to heal the body and mind so that each person could walk away from a session more awake, alive, and whole.

What does beauty mean to you?

I believe beauty is the fruition of space.
I think its a surrendering of what we want to who we are.
This is often a very difficult process. We so much want to be or look or act a certain way – to have certain merits we can toss around to give ourselves worth. But as we experience more of life, we see that these are props.

I think that the process of letting go of ambition in a way allows us rest in something much more grounded and real.

click to tweet this!

We do not need to go anywhere to be who we are. We just need to slow down, stop and notice.
This is beauty.
This is why my work is so fulfilling.
Because self care practices like coaching or body treatments are an invitation to slow down and look within.

Being half-Japanese, I’m fascinated with lineage and heritage and how it shapes us.
You have an interesting cultural background. Can you tell me a bit about that and how it has shaped your life + work?

My parents were born in Cairo. My brother and I were the first generation to be born in the U.S.
Visiting my family as a young person, gave me insight to community in a way I’d never really known.
The women spend their entire day preparing meals from the land. Locals don’t eat out. Families have access to their own gardens, livestock, and equipment to make meals. I think this impacted me in such a big way.
If you want the best, you make it with your own two hands.

I created Earthbody Organics, a full holistic bodycare line handcrafted by healers, using these principles. It started simple – I just wanted clean products to use in massage sessions. But it grew to formulating exquisite blends and creating a conscious manufacturing process.
The result is a concentrated formula free of cheap fillers like glycerin, wax, alcohol, and water. Our pure plant based ingredients are nourishment for the body. They are crafted with integrity.

How do you stay inspired and motivated as a business owner?

I go into retreat for 3 weeks once per year.
I cleanse.
I exercise 5 times a week.
I read. I get bodywork. I give up my job. And then rehire myself.
I don’t take things so seriously. I try to create space. I don’t lock myself into identifying solely as any one thing but remember that I’m also a lover and artist and writer and coach and sister and daughter and San Franciscan and soon to be wife.
And when I remember that my work is part of the whole, joy returns.

I personally believe that body treatments aren’t a luxury, they’re a necessity. What are your thoughts on this?

We have forgotten our true nature.
The mind is running the show for most of us. And sometimes we just need to cut it.
Spending an hour on the table isn’t really about the muscles (although they love the attention).
It’s about putting your body in front of your mind. This creates a shift. It’s a simple way to say I care enough about me to experience the world through my senses.
Regular treatment has an affect on the mind. Physically, you become more relaxed, agile, lighter.
Mentally you can experience balance, clarity, and ease.
And emotionally you can taste peace.

The result I think is embodied joy.
It’s really that simple.
So then I ask you is joy a luxury?
I don’t think so.

What does your creative process look like?

I often get the most creative in retreat when I’m not working. This is when the flood of ideas comes rushing through.

What’s your personal self-care philosophy + routine?

Wow – one of the lessons I learned the hard way was that I had to have a self care routine or else nothing worked.
So now I receive bodywork once a week.
I’m currently on a three week detox cleanse (which has been amazing).
I work with a personal trainer.
I have a nightly skincare ritual that makes my skin feel incredible but also smells amazing from Earthbody Organics.
I write each day.
And I cook once if not twice daily.
I meditate.
I go on dates with my fiancé.

The important thing is that I show up. I realized I can’t just be a walking to-do list.
There are things that maybe don’t have as much of a sense of accomplishment, like taking my vitamins, but it’s a long term vision of wellness.
For the first time I feel what balance can be like. And it takes a lot more effort than I realized, but its so possible and totally worth it!

You’re an Ayurvedic practitioner and holistic coach – how does that inform your work at the spa?

When people choose Earthbody, I think they choose us because of our integrated wellness philosophy.
We’re the only day spa in San Francisco owned and operated by Therapists – which says a lot about how the menu is designed, the experience of the clients, and the thoughtfulness of every treatment. The holistic education and practices that informed me are at the heart of Earthbody.

What is a quote that you love? One that guides your life.

“There are only two rules. Start and continue.”
~Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Now for some fun tips! What are your Top 3 favorite spots in your ‘hood (San Francisco)?

Hayes and Kebab – owned by Kurdish brothers who still hold a real sense of hospitality.
Samovar Tea Lounge – the tea is overpriced but the ambiance makes way for wonderful conversations.
Patricia’s Green Park – a little secret haven of lush in the city with art, kids playground, garden, and picnic benches.

Why do you do what you do?

Because only by doing can I learn and transform. Because I am utterly compelled. Because I love you and I want you to have all of me.

As a fellow “girl who knows”, what do you absolutely know for sure?

You are perfect.
You hold all the answers for your life.
You belong.
You are needed in this world.
I KNOW you have a purpose.
I know you can heal old wounds.
I know that love and truth and joy are not things that you and I just say would be nice. But that we’ve experienced it and have a right to it in every single moment.
I know that when we don’t have it, we will be heart broken. But I also know that this small death is the only way to wake up. That becomes the gateway to joy.
This I know.


Simply put, I absolutely adore Denmo. Her words, her work and her life are pure poetry.
I’m so honored to have been able to share a bit about her and Earthbody.

As a gift to you beautiful readers, Denmo is generously offering a 1-hour Holistic Coaching session by phone or Skype for $89 (regularly $225). The offer expires December 1, 2012.

I kid you not, BIG shifts can occur in 1-hour with her. BIG. And I say this from personal experience.
Click HERE for more info (and be sure to mention THE GIRL WHO KNOWS when booking to secure your special rate).

Head over to the Earthbody site to book your holistic coaching session with Denmo.
And if you’re in the Bay Area, I can’t recommend her face + body treatments highly enough. They are the absolute BEST!


]]> 10 GET TO KNOW :: Kate Ellen Metals + Crown Nine Tue, 25 Sep 2012 04:08:38 +0000 Stephanie Watanabe

Love + Metal!

I’ve never really been a sparkle + jewels kinda girl.
My taste runs more simple, refined, understated (with a teensy hint of glam + edge).
I’m always on the look out for great clothing + accessories, but jewelry has never been a “go-to”.
It’s great when it’s gifted, but not usually something I’ll purchase for myself.
But honestly, after this post, I think that’s about to change!

A few months ago I was exploring Oakland’s Popuphood, which has been garnering quite a bit of buzz lately.
I turned the corner into a beautiful brick alleyway and stumbled on a true gem, Kate Ellen + Crown Nine.

Crown Nine is designer Kate Ellen’s flagship store, an expertly curated jewelry gallery, that feels like a perfect mix of art studio + boutique. Everything in the store feels ultra-refined. From the hand-picked designer collections, to the quirky art and elegant accessories. Each and every item in the store feels purposely chosen.

My senses were in full overdrive mode once I stepped inside. The white walls are the perfect backdrop for the beautiful art that adorns the walls. The jewelry is flat out stunning. And the accessories are to die for.

Kate is self-taught.
She’s a jewelry designer + metalsmith, who was appropriately named Best of San Francisco in 2010 by 7×7 Magazine.
No small feat!

Everything she makes is 100% handcrafted in her humble studio in Oakland’s Jack London Square.
She focuses on marrying the industrial with the natural and uses a mixture of ancient techniques to craft her work.
Her design philosophy centers around simplicity, timelessness, and “things I want to wear myself”.

I’m a fan-girl for all things curated.
So, you can imagine how excited I was to meet the lovely designer in person and get a generous invite to her work space + studio.

I watched her create some gorgeous pieces while we chatted about life + passion + teaching + art.
The girl is so down-to-earth, mega-talented and incredibly generous (she gives back to several charitable org’s thru her business).

In fact, she was a social worker and educator before she found her creative calling.

“I always daydreamed about being a painter, a singer, a dancer– but none of these things came very naturally to me. When I found metal work, I was instantly in a groove. My hands just seemed to know what to do. And I enjoy the thrill and excitement of wielding dangerous tools and getting dirty at work everyday. The process very much appeals to the tomboy in me, and the end product adorns the girl in me.”


I put together a little teaser video so you could get a behind-the-scenes peek at designer Kate Ellen and her store, Crown Nine.
Watch + read on for an in-depth Q+A, plus 2 crazy sweet surprises at the end (oh yeah)!

Edited + Creative Direction by fistfull of cake films
Music by Arcade Fire, “Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)” ~ buy here.


Tell me about the origins of the name Crown Nine (which I LOVE).

When I was trying to name the space, I tried a lot of names and sent out a survey to family and friends–which was a great way to eliminate ones that did not work.
An artist buddy and I were talking about some possibilities, and he suggested combining words from two of my favorites into Crown Nine, and I immediately loved it.
Now it means a lot–it’s about adornment, it’s about our location on 9th st, but more importantly it’s about civic pride.
We created the logo to give the viewer a sense of confidence and connection to the city of Oakland with it’s oak leaves.

How do you define beauty?

Beautiful is what stirs up your heart and your guts, things that move you from within. For me, beauty is about the poignancy of realness and truth.

How do you stay inspired and motivated as a business owner?

I chose to be a jewelry designer because I like projects. I need discrete objectives over short periods of time, and then I want to move on and do something new. Custom work is also invigorating for the same reason, I love being able to combine my style with someone else’s vision.
I am also highly motivated because I am constantly rewarded for what I put into my work. The more thoughtful energy I put in, the more surprising the rewards have been.

I personally believe that body adornment (jewelry) is a way to express aspects of who you are. What’s your philosophy behind your designs? How do you want someone to feel when wearing your pieces?

I think jewelry is a really special and sacred art.
Each person has within them a form or shape that they are drawn to, whether they create it themselves or simply recognize it in the world. When I create something, it is my shape or form coming out and being manifested as an object and when another person sees that and connects with it, it’s almost like finding someone else who shares your form, who shares your aesthetic view of the world.

My uncle calls it finding other members of your aesthetic tribe.
Adornment is then very personal, and you add another layer of significance when jewelry acts as talisman for intimate experiences and relationships.

When someone wears my work, I want them to feel a shade truer to themselves and very confident.
I also want them to feel very comfortable and to interact with the jewelry– I design a lot of things that are kinetic and fun to play with while wearing.

What does your creative process look like?

Usually it is very spontaneous and very driven by the material. I don’t do much sketching or pre-planning, I just get an idea and go. Some of my best and most popular pieces were accidents that I edited and refined over time. While I am working I have to listen to something, either music or one of my favorite radio programs like This American Life or RadioLab.

What is a quote that you love (that guides your life)?

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
~Leonard Cohen

What are your Top 3 fave spots in your ‘hood (Oakland)?

This question is SO hard, I have so many favorites and a long list of places I want to try!
So here is a list of what I did this week:
Cafe 817
Lake Merritt
Luka’s Taproom
Farmer Joe’s

What music are you listening to right now?

I’ve been sort of obsessed with George Harrison and I always have Broken Social Scene on rotation.

WHY do you do what you do?

Because I love living creatively, I like things to be challenging and always changing, and I really value freedom.
There are certainly trade offs when working for yourself, but my work really suits my personality.
I like being able to make a decision and make it happen, to put things in motion right away. I was always terrorized by the slow pace of things in school and while working in the professions. Maybe I am impatient. But I like things to be interesting and new all the time.
I also hope one day to have kids so I have intentionally built my business in a way that I will be able to be a mom and a designer if I am ever lucky enough to have my own family.

How do you balance the creative part of your job with the business part?

This can be a struggle, mostly because I always feel short on time and in order to be creative I really need to have free space and time.
I would say that 10% of my business is the highly creative part where I am developing brand new ideas.
The other 90% is the hustle–which I love and find rewarding and challenging in other ways.
The hustle includes everything from marketing, branding, event planning, social media, and all the way down to the smallest tedium involved in running a store, a studio, and an online business.
I am just now really beginning to know what my key competencies are, and I am going to hire folks to take care of the parts I am not good at which I know will free me up to put more energy into the things that I rock at.

What do you absolutely KNOW for sure?

Who I love. (Turns out I love a lot of people).


Did I tell you Kate is amazing?! I’m totally smitten with her + her work.
I hope you loved getting to know a little bit about this talented designer + incredible entrepreneur!

Kate is a big fan of The Girl Who Knows community and decided to offer a rare, limited time 25% discount on ANY Kate Ellen Metals pieces from today thru November 24, 2012!

Hello?! Crazy right?

Don’t wait.
Get over to Kate Ellen Metals online shoppe and select one of her many pieces (or a few).
The holiday’s aren’t that far off + personally I think these unique pieces make the PERFECT gift + you support an amazing independent business owner!
Total win-win.

Enter this unique coupon code at checkout: THEGIRLKNOWS.

And P.S.
Because you’re awesome (and so is Miss Kate), I’ll be giving away a pair of her best-selling Birch earrings (an $85 value)!

All you have to do to be entered to win is the following ::

1. Get signed up on The Girl Who Knows mailing list (if you aren’t already) by filling out the form at the bottom of this post OR clicking HERE.

2. TWEET and/or FACEBOOK the following message to your friends + family ~
“I’m in it to win it! @Steph_Watanabe is giving away $85 worth of jewels on her blog! Hurry! Contest ends Friday 9/28.”

(note :: be sure to tag The Girl Who Knows on Facebook in order to be entered to win)

Easy peasy!
Good luck + the winner will be announced in next week’s blog post.

Until next time . . .

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GET TO KNOW :: Studiopatró Tue, 11 Sep 2012 05:56:03 +0000 Stephanie Watanabe

Tea Towel Perfection!

I first stumbled across Studiopatró at an event in the East Bay (near Oakland, CA). A close friend told me to run (not walk) over + check out their goodies. So I did.

I was instantly enamored with the simple, organic designs and crisp feel of their signature tea towels. The linen is so perfect, you almost don’t even want to use them. I bought a few. Took them home. Washed (and dryed) them per the instructions. And low and behold the softest and most supple multi-purpose towels I have ever owned. Honestly. They’re the bomb.
To say I am a fan is an understatement.

Founder Christina Weber, a longtime art director (for the likes of the Williams Sonoma catalog) + graphic designer, created Studiopatró out of her enduring love of design, typography and pattern. P.S. In case you’re wondering, Studiopatró means “pattern studio”.

And for the record, these aren’t just any old tea towels. They’re hand-printed in Oakland, California on 100% super luxe linen fabrics (of the European variety) with water-based inks. And since they’re a natural, sustainable fabric, they’re strong and withstand the rigors of daily use. In fact, like fine wines, they get better with age.

The prints + typography are whimsical and so fun! With sayings like, “Love is all you need”, “Stripes make everything better” (don’t they though?), and an array of words o’ wisdom for the creative cook. I want them all.

Christina and I immediately hit it off when we met and she invited me to her cozy studio in San Francisco’s Marina neighborhood to see her team in action. I put together this little video of my visit, just for you!
Check it out + be sure to read thru to the end for a special surprise (from Christina, with love).


Tell me a little bit about yourself Christina and your path.
It started in the sixties when I discovered Marimekko. Why was ink-on-cloth so exciting? The bold patterns and vibrant colors were so “modern”. No more calico for me.
Art and design called out to me loud and clear. Teaching art turned to graphic design, and I spent 25 years putting ink-on-paper. But a growing collage of leaves, maps, typography and architecture took over my studio walls. Patterns emerged, and so did Studiopatró.

How did the idea for Studiopatró come about?
I wanted to design products – to design things, objects, beautiful things for the home. I had been designing printed communications as a graphic designer for years. . . it was time to do something new.
The perfect canvas became the tea towel, a natural fit for its endless interpretations and inherent sustainability. I love that the simple kitchen towel becomes a special token. . . and still remains its humble, hard-working self.
It’s important to me that Studiopatró designs, hand-prints and sews all products locally in the San Francisco bay area, with people who share a passion to create high-quality, enduring, and lovely products.

Photo :: StudioPatro

Photo :: StudioPatro

Photo :: StudioPatro

Where does your design inspiration come from?
From travel, great design magazines, visiting art museums – from architecture, looking at street fashion, and from nature, of course.

How do you cultivate creativity?
Sketching and drawing and looking at everything, wherever I am.

I love entrepreneurial women and you are most certainly that! What do you find to be the most challenging AND most gratifying part of being a business owner?
Challenging: the bookkeeping and record-keeping parts of the business.
Gratifying: working with wonderful people.

How do you stay inspired and motivated everyday?
I’ve always had a passion and drive to create. So the creative aspect of my work keeps me motivated.

Tell us about the future of your line. Any exciting developments or new products on the horizon?
I’m interested in promoting my new tagline “USE CLOTH NOT PAPER :)
New products will support this!

What does beauty mean to you?
Beauty is joyful, it’s inspiring and gives meaning to life. It can also be restful, and even peaceful.

Is there a particular mantra or quote you live your life by?
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” ~William Morris

Why do you do, what you do?
To keep learning new things – to keep life fresh, to challenge myself, to stretch.

What are your Top 3 favorite spots in your ‘hood (San Francisco)?
Hmmmm… the view of the Golden Gate Bridge from Crissy Field
Rose’s Café for roast chicken
Flora Grubb Nursery

What’s one thing you know for certain?
Simplicity is best in everything.


As a little bonus video treat for you ~ check out Studiopatró’s own video :: 12 ways to use a tea towel (totally adorable)!

AND as a special bit of goodness just for TGWK readers, Christina is giving you 20% off your entire order at Studiopatró online!
I know.
You’re welcome.

Visit Studiopatró’s online store + enter the code GIRL WHO KNOWS at checkout to get your super sweet discount!

And hurry, the offer is good until September 30, 2012!

Photo :: StudioPatro

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Christina Weber and Studiopatró ~ a true San Francisco gem.
Until next time. . .

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GET TO KNOW :: Shelter Co. Tue, 12 Jun 2012 18:09:45 +0000 Stephanie Watanabe

camping done right!

*Disclaimer :: I don’t camp.

Not that I haven’t. Or wouldn’t. I just don’t.
Mainly because of the bugs.
And the bears.
And I’m not gonna lie, I don’t really like showering in a river.
Or cooking canned beans over a bunsen burner.

BUT. . . camping has come a long way. Take the newly launched Shelter Co. for example.

Founded by Bay Area couple Kelsey and Mike Sheofsky who grew up camping a lot with their families, Shelter Co. gives new meaning to luxury camping (or “glamping“).

Shelter Co. is a pop-up luxury lodging service catering to groups of folks looking for a unique overnight camping experience. They’ll setup a luxury tent for you complete with 400 thread count bedding, down comforters and a REAL bed. You can even add lounge seating, area rugs and mood lighting!

If you’re celebrating with a group Shelter Co. can setup a bar, a library, children’s tents with games. . . even beauty stations. Really, the possibilities are endless.

She’s an event planner.
He’s an artisan furniture maker.

Together their love of the outdoors + design savvy + entrepreneurial spirit have merged to create a business that is truly one-of-a-kind.

I was so impressed with this company, that I asked Co-Founder Kelsey Sheofsky a few questions about business, life and what keeps her inspired. . . hope you enjoy!
**hint :: read on to find a SPECIAL OFFER for TGWK readers, courtesy of Shelter Co.


So…why camping?
Mike and I have always loved to camp. Our first real date was a weekend camping trip to the Santa Barbara coast. There’s something about being outdoors in the wild with those you love that’s different than a regular vacation and creates some really unique memories. I think for a lot of people camping can be a little intimidating if they don’t come from a camping family or don’t own any gear. Our goal is to make camping a comfortable vacation for anyone who desires a weekend in the woods.

What’s on your “must have” list of camping gear?
I’m kind of a freak about my headlamp. I actually travel with it even when I’m not camping and I can’t tell you how many times it’s come in handy. Other camping musts would be whisky (for passing around the fire), an iPod boombox (camping and good music were made for each other), bug spray (duh), and our dog Bird (she loves to camp more than anyone).

You’ve done a lot of travel (and camping) in your day. Any favorite spots you’d like to share?
For camping, I love Jalama Beach on the central coast of California, since you can camp right on the beach. I also love Big Basin in the Santa Cruz Mountains which is where we go for our yearly winter camping trip. We are crazy but go with about 20 friends every January, rain or shine. One year it rained the entire time we were up there, which was pretty insane. It’s now kind of a badge of honor to be part of the winter camping crew that survived the storm of 2010.

For non-camping spots, I love Tulum in Mexico for the beach and total chill factor. I get my best reading done there and luckily my wedding work takes me there often. Chester, Nova Scotia is also on the short list because I grew up going there every summer. It’s just a really special spot for my family and me. It’s a true fishing village with so much history (the founding of the town bar predates the founding of the United States). Palm Springs has always been a favorite because I thrive in warm climates and I love hanging with my grandma who spends 4 months a year there. And my new favorite spot is Barcelona. I went there this past year after working a wedding in Italy and fell in love with everything about it.

What keeps you inspired and motivated?
I travel a ton for both work and pleasure, which recharges my battery. There’s something about a change of scenery that is rejuvenating.

I also read a lot of magazines and enjoy other visual design inspiration. I’m excited to have Domino back and I love Anthology Magazine. My all time favorite is National Geographic.

I find a lot of inspiration getting lost online. From Tumblr to Pinterest to design blogs there’s so much great content to pull ideas from. And then there’s the flea market. I don’t get there as much as I’d like these days but I love a Sunday spent digging for treasures. And let’s be honest, I go to the flea as much for the food as the loot. I always have to get a crepe or a giant hot dog and maybe even some kettle corn. That’s the great thing about living in the Bay Area. Amazing food follows you wherever you go.

Speaking of food, what are your three have foodie spots in your ‘hood (San Francisco)?
Our three favorite restaurants in our immediate vicinity are Flour + Water, El Metate, and Universal Café. My own kitchen is a pretty rocking place to be as well. Mike is an excellent cook and when I’m actually in town, we love to cook and eat out in the back yard. Spring/Summer project is to finally plant some vegetables.

What’s something you KNOW for sure?
That I will kill the vegetable garden.

As a fellow entrepreneur, I have to ask, what’s the most challenging thing you’ve found about starting your own business?
Finding time in the day to get everything accomplished is challenging. For our particular business, there isn’t really a good example to use as our guide since we are the only ones doing this sort of service in California. So we are kind of blazing our own trail and seeing what works and what doesn’t.

And one last (not-so-random) question, what music are you listening to these days?
Anything Mike downloads. He’s the master of the music in our house and he’s got great taste. If left to my own devices I’d have Mariah Carey circa 1995 on repeat. Only sort of kidding.

On my current playlist: Dawes, John Lennon, Rod Stewart, Portugal, the Man, Middle Brother, The Avett Brothers, Chromeo, David Bowie, and Jay-Z.


OK. . . I don’t know about you, but I’m actually EXCITED to give this ‘ol camping thing another shot. With summer approaching, I can’t think of a better way to spend a long weekend with friends + family.

Head over to Shelter Co. now to find out more and to book your next luxe camping adventure!
**And tell them, The Girl Who Knows sent you. . .

As a special gift, Shelter Co. is offering TGWK readers, a fully stocked camping welcome box (includes a head lamp, bug spray, smores fixings, throw blanket, sunscreen, and bottle of whiskey) – for FREE, when you book your 1st Shelter Co. adventure.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. . .
Are you into camping? What do you love about it?
Do you have any camping tips for the “non-campers” amongst us (i.e. me)?


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GET TO KNOW :: Stacy McCain Wed, 30 May 2012 17:17:53 +0000 Stephanie Watanabe

your DREAM event planner!

And I don’t throw those accolades around lightly.
Some of you might know that I spent the better part of the last 8 years producing events and weddings all over California. When looking back on all of the parties I’ve done and planners that I’ve worked with, Stacy is by far at the top of the list. In fact, she’s a total gem!

She exemplifies grace under pressure. She exudes kindness. That honest, down-to-earth, “I-can-trust-you-with-the-most-important-day-of-my-life” kind of kindness.
Working with Stacy is like having your best friend plan your wedding or event. She’s THAT good.

Stacy is a West Coast girl thru and thru. She was born and raised in Seattle, Washington and migrated down to the Bay Area in 2005. She has a long history of working in the events industry and in 2007 decided to venture out on her own and started Stacy McCain Event Planning.

I was lucky enough to spend a few hours with Stacy, snapped some pics, asked her a few burning questions that I’ve been dying to ask and got a tour of her sweet, light-filled office in the Dogpatch neighborhood of San Francisco.

Even more exciting is we shot some video of Stacy while I was there!
Below is a teaser of my “GET TO KNOW” video series which is coming later this year. I think it’s a beautiful taste of Stacy’s infectiously fun spirit! Hope you agree.

Watch below & then read on for a fun Q&A with the lovely Stacy McCain!

How did you get involved planning weddings and events?
I knew at a very young age that I wanted to plan weddings. I loved the idea of creating things from scratch and seeing it come to life. The idea that using a beautiful tent with gorgeous chandeliers, crisp fine linens and elegant china could instantly transform the backyard of someone’s home into a lavish celebration took my breath away. I knew I wanted to be the person behind creating that experience for others.

Photo :: Gia Canali Photography

Photo :: Amy and Stuart Photography

What  do you absolutely LOVE about what you do?
I love bring two families together. I love being on site and seeing all the swatch samples and photo inspiration come to life. I work so closely with a bride. Over the course of a year we discuss the ceremony, menu, flowers, music, lighting, all the details that go into creating an experience for the couple, their family and guests. It’s so rewarding to hear people comment about all those little details.
And when the mother of the bride comes up to me and says that she couldn’t have dreamed about this day without me there, that’s when I’m reminded “this is why I do what I do” and that feeling makes it all worthwhile.

Photo :: Alex Johnson

What’s your philosophy about working with clients?
Trust and open communication.
I want my clients to be able to talk to me. To be able to share their good times as well as their frustrations.
Planning a wedding can certainly bring on stressful moments. Open communication allows clients to trust me, which in turns helps them to relax and enjoy the planning and ultimately the day of the event.

What do you think are the key things to consider when planning a wedding?
I think that it’s important to ask: what are the three most important aspects/details of the wedding for us as a couple? Both the bride and the groom should write these down separately and then share with one another. Once you understand what’s important to you both, you’ll have a clear idea of how to allocate funds.
Also, don’t sweat the small stuff. Sure, planning a wedding can be stressful, but be mindful of that and try not to let the little things get in the way of the what’s really important.

Photo :: Gertrude & Mabel Photography

Photo :: Gia Canali Photography

What’s the hardest thing about being a business owner?
I think that one of the most challenging things is remembering to have balance between work and personal time. It is important for me to remember to carve out time where I can do something for me, whether it is running, cooking, hiking, yoga or traveling.
Giving myself this time will ultimately make me better at my job. It can help challenge, motivate, inspire and sometimes offer clarity. All important traits in being a business owner.

What do you think makes you stand out from other event and wedding planners?
I bring a fresh approach to classic and modern weddings. I have a keen ear for listening. I offer guidance while supporting my client’s wishes. I am meticulous and organized yet am warm and kind. I’ve been told that I have a calm presence that puts people at ease.

You do destination weddings and have traveled a bunch – what’s your favorite place in the world?
I have a passion for traveling; it’s one of the things that I love most. The people, sounds, smells and colors continuously inspire me. A favorite is a trip to India that I took awhile back. So much color!  Streets layered with vibrant fabrics, store after store with beautiful colored spices. Travel brings out new sights and sounds and inspires me to bring them back and integrate them into upcoming projects.

What are your current 3 favorite spots in your city (San Francisco)?
For Weddings :: The Ferry Building, Foreign Cinema, The Bentley Reserve and Town Hall.
For me :: Driving over the Golden Gate Bridge headed into San Francisco, nopa, Picnic & people watching in Dolores Park.

What keeps you inspired and motivated?
Traveling, taking photos, cooking, baking, Pinterest, Elle Decor magazine, Martha Stewart Weddings, Flea Markets and reading.

What’s something you’ve never told anyone before?
To this day, no matter how many times I’ve heard it, Pachelbel Canon in D is still my favorite wedding ceremony song.

WHY do you do what you do?
I get to work with inspiring people, who continuously challenge me to be creative. I get to work with my hands, paint outside the box and construct whatever my mind can dream up!

Photo :: Mel Barlow

Head over to the newly updated Stacy McCain Event Planning site to find out more about Stacy, see photo galleries of the luscious events she’s done and book your next event with her!

As a special gift, Stacy is offering TGWK readers, a FREE Consultation + a rare discount on full event planning services (including weddings) if booked by June 30, 2012!

Be sure to mention you saw her on The Girl Who Knows to get the VIP treatment.

Photo :: Mel Barlow

I’m so honored to feature the sweet and talented Stacy McCain as the inaugural blog post in my new GET TO KNOW blog series on The Girl Who Knows.
Every two weeks I’ll be posting a new fabulous person + biz for you to know about.
So stay tuned for more!

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