It is so easy to get caught up in the need to accomplish the BIG things in our businesses.  

The first year of full-time self-employment.  

Your first paid speaking gig.

Brag-worthy bucks.

Launching an online course.

Writing a book.

But, the truth is, every time we accomplish something, no matter how big and exciting it is, we want more.  We climb one mountain peak and instead of resting and enjoying the view, our eyes are on the next mountain peak, looming in the future.

Suddenly “what an accomplishment!” becomes “what next?

It’s the very idea of “What’s next?” that can trap you in the hamster-wheel of pursuing accomplishment after accomplishment, without ever letting you stop for a moment to enjoy your successes.   

I’m not saying stop setting bigger goals for yourself, but I think there’s a real hyper-focus on the future. The trap of “where should I be now?”  keeps you disconnected from the amazing work you’ve done to get to the place of having so many incredible opportunities laid out in front of you.  

Before you charge off to conquer your next goal, don’t make this costly business mistake: remember to celebrate the accomplishment you just achieved. This is not just for the BIG things, but also the smaller successes that pave the way.

Celebrate your first DAY of working for yourself (don’t wait until the 1-year mark).

Celebrate your first client.

Celebrate making changes to your website.

Celebrate whatever stepping-stones are leading you across the river.

If we don’t look back, we won’t know how far we’ve come, and empires are built out of small steps, not huge leaps.

The celebration of those small steps fuels you for the long haul. If you’re only in this for the BIG wins well then your journey will be a tough one. Don’t put off celebrating, give yourself space to feel the glory of your wins now.  

So many clients will come to me with something exciting – a new client, offering, opportunity, and I’ll ask them “How are you celebrating!?”  And they will invariably reply with “I haven’t thought about it…but what I really want is this other huge thing . . .”  That is a terrible trap to fall into.  

Even though they are doing amazing things, because they’re not feeling and experiencing it, in the moment, it’s almost like it didn’t happen.

Right now, grab a pen and paper and write a list of 5 things that you’ve accomplished that have lead to where you are in the world. Take some time to think about it, make it really specific.

Maybe it was when you first took a class to learn something new.  When you left your job that was always only “good enough”.  The day you told your friends that you have an awesome business idea. When you first launched that awesome business idea. When you were finally able to afford to take a day off.

Find your five, write them down, and then celebrate them!

Stuck on how to celebrate the small things?  Here are some of my favorite ideas.

  • A fancy cocktail with some friends.  Make sure you tell them what you’re toasting. Let them cheer you on and celebrate with you!
  • A gourmet cupcake, or other treat of choice.
  • A token to remind you of the moment. I like to collect crystals, shells, or earrings to remind me of the amazingness that I’ve accomplished.  
  • A dinner out. Try a spot you don’t normally go, so it feels extra special.
  • Write it down and put the accomplishment up where you’ll see it.  It helps you remember that feeling when life gets a bit challenging.
  • Buy fresh flowers. They’re always a beautiful way to celebrate via your senses.
  • Treat yo’ self!  You know you’ve got your eye on something . . . that print on Etsy, a leather clutch in the window of your favorite boutique. Got for it! Indulge. You deserve it.

Your celebration should be something that makes sense for you, that will help you appreciate the work you’ve been putting into building your empire.  

Do tell. What are you celebrating and more importantly, HOW? I can’t wait to hear! Share your wins with me in the comments below.


Photo by: Brandon Fick

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